About the book
This is the story of a little girl born on the Lower East Side, in New York City, of immigrant parents from Austria and Germany. An artistically talented woman who overcame her losses at an early age and developed her talents with her tenacity and determination. How and why she became known as "Sally". The celebrities and political figures she met and interacted with during the course of her career; her travels abroad with the dazzling experiences and humorous incidents no one else could have experienced. A fascinating career in the fashion world of 7th Avenue in New York City at the height of it’s fame. The partnership which developed into a lasting friendship; creating the very successful manufacturing company of women' s one of a kind gowns "Amoureuse Couture"; started on her living room floor with just $2000, and its eventual demise as a result of the garment worker's union. Experience it all with the exciting, picturesque and emotional overtones that can only be told by Sara Beatrice Sober.
About the author
I love being an educator; I love administrators, teachers, and the children. The children, that’s what it is all about. I found out early, as all teachers do, if you don’t have the attention of the children in the class, they don’t learn. How do you get it? That’s what it is all about. I want to share my knowledge and experiences as a student, teacher, counselor, and educational administrator. I was a graduate student in England, Hawaii, Alabama, and Texas. I was fortunate in receiving a Fulbright Scholarship, which enabled me to study and travel for a summer in Israel. As a student living in these various places, I concurrently was employed in the various states. My husband was an offi cer with the U.S. Air Force and we traveled extensively in Europe and Japan, which explains my varied employment and schooling sites. I have trained children, teachers, counselors and administrators in numerous content areas during years my years of employment in public school settings. My biggest success was in training teachers to change the behavior of children in their class, by training the teachers to change their own behavior. A teacher responding to her use of one of my techniques stated: “Last year I had a terrible class, this year, all the students are so well behaved”. Enough said!! Roberta Silfen, Ed. D.